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Supported Operating Systems

We safeguard sensitive information seamlessly across multiple operating systems (OSes) with reliable wiping & encryption solutions.


UNIX Data Wiping & Encryption Solutions

Data Wiping Solutions for UNIX

Jetico provides comprehensive data wiping solutions for UNIX, ensuring secure erasure of sensitive information across a wide range of distributions. From individual files to entire drives, our tools offer reliable, permanent deletion to keep your data protected.

Data Wiping


Securely erase files and folders to prevent forensic recovery—perfect for routine cybersecurity hygiene and incident response to data spills.

  • Wipe files & folders
  • Wipe data remanence & free space
  • Wipe file slack
Data Wiping

BCWipe Total WipeOut

Completely erase entire hard drives—ideal for secure end-of-life data removal.

  • Wipe all data on hard drives, including boot records, file system & operating system files
  • Effective wiping on SSD & NVMe
  • Support for hardware commands (e.g., TRIM, ATA Erase)
  • Support for several booting options (USB, CD/DVD, EXE & PXE (Network))
  • Enterprise features, including remote wiping with centralized management, task automation & tamper-proof PDF erasure reports

Data Encryption Solutions for UNIX

Jetico offers reliable data encryption for Linux with BestCrypt Container Encryption, designed to protect sensitive information by securing files and folders within encrypted containers.

Data Encryption

BestCrypt Container Encryption

Encrypt files and folders within secure containers—ideal for safeguarding data against virtual threats like hacking and cloud vulnerabilities.

  • Encrypt files & folders
  • 7 industry-strongest encryption algorithms (AES-256 included)
  • Enhanced Hidden containers
  • Move & store encrypted containers across Windows, Linux, Mac & Android
  • Upload & share containers in cloud

Enhance Your Data Protection Now

Request a free consultation with our data protection specialist to learn how our solutions can help you secure your endpoints.