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NewsBestCrypt Container Encryption for Linux v.3 – Beta out Now

BestCrypt Container Encryption for Linux v.3 – Beta out Now

File Encryption on Linux Easier Than Ever with Jetico’s BestCrypt

 What’s New

  • Improved cross-platform compatibility
    Access BestCrypt-protected files on Linux, Windows, Mac and Android.
  • Enhanced usability
    Create a new container in just one click and view a progress bar of encryption operations with a revamped GUI.
  • Enhanced performance
    Perform several operations with different containers simultaneously.
  • Enhanced security
    -Add another layer of authentication on top of standard password protection with support for keyfiles;
    -Protect all passwords from brute-force attacks by using state-of-the-art hashing and salting functions;
    -Disguise encrypted files as random data by using containers with encrypted headers.
  • Binary packages for popular Linux distributions
    Deploy BestCrypt easily by downloading a one-click installer for:
    -Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, 15.10, 16.04
    -Debian 7, 8, testing
    -RedHat / CentOS 6, 7
    -Fedora 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
    -Linux Mint 2, 13, 17, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 18
    -To use BestCrypt on a different Linux distribution contact us at

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