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How-to for BCWipeHow to Use Transparent Wiping to Automatically Wipe Selected Files with BCWipe

How to Use Transparent Wiping to Automatically Wipe Selected Files with BCWipe

Many applications create temporary files, cache objects or other special system files that may contain sensitive information. BCWipe Transparent Wiping ensures that these files are securely erased automatically without you needing to worry about them. This feature will also wipe the files emptied from your recycle bin.

Watch this video to learn how to use Transparent Wiping to automatically wipe selected files with BCWipe.

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Use Transparent Wiping to Automatically Wipe Selected Files – How-to Video

In this video tutorial, we’ll show you how to use Transparent Wiping to automatically erase all traces of deleted files or temporary files beyond recovery.

Many applications create temporary files, cache objects or other special system files that may contain sensitive information. BCWipe Transparent Wiping ensures that these files are securely erased automatically without you needing to worry about them. This feature will also wipe the files emptied from your recycle bin.

So, what is actually being erased by Transparent Wiping?

Here are five common examples

  • First, all files and folders that are deleted using normal commands
  • Second, temporary files deleted by Windows applications or by Windows itself
  • Third, data stored in the Windows Restore Point. When the Restore Point is deleted it will be securely erased
  • Fourth, data stored in the Recycle Bin when you click Empty Recycle Bin
  • Fifth, only specific types of files, folders or applications by configuring include and exclude lists

Open BCWipe Task Manager – Enable ‘Transparent Wiping’. Here you can choose from 14 wiping schemes.

Some files do not include personal or sensitive information – for example: Windows update files, or antivirus related files. You can easily exclude them by checking those boxes.

If you want to manually exclude files or folders, then select exclude and then click ‘Add’. Browse for the files or folders you want to exclude. You can also set up a pattern to exclude.

In addition, the Transparent Wiping auto-configure utility helps customize the list of excluded applications specific to your system.

Click ‘Auto-configure from log file’.

The utility will read the current log file – if assigned.

Check ‘Write log’ if you want to have a logfile for your records. Logfiles can be viewed in LogView or Notepad.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully learned how to run Transparent Wiping with BCWipe. Thank you for watching! We hope you will be satisfied with our software.

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