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Trusted Encryption Software with No Backdoors

Jetico provides trusted encryption with no backdoors. This content can be helpful to understand what a backdoor is, evaluate BestCrypt security, as well as develop your own customized BestCrypt modules.

What Is an Encryption Backdoor?

A backdoor is a built-in way of bypassing encryption, allowing a third-party to access protected data.
For example, imagine a hotel. There are two types of keys:

  • Guest Keys
    Each guest has a unique key to access their own room, and only that room. Other guests cannot access that room without the right key. Think of this as your encryption password.
  • Master Key
    The hotel has a master key that can access every room. This works like a backdoor.

A piece of code that creates a vulnerability in the encryption can serve as a backdoor. For anyone concerned about backdoors hiding in our encryption software, Jetico has addressed that concern by regularly confirming publicly that BestCrypt is not built with any backdoors. Additionally we have published source codes of its encryption and key generation modules.

Trusted Encryption Software with BestCrypt Development Kit

Since back in 2013, we have formally stated that BestCrypt, our encryption solution, has never included any backdoors or related weakness to the software, as well as publishing our source code for all encryption modules (BestCrypt Development Kit).

BestCrypt Development Kit (BDK) is a package of documentation and source codes for security analysts and third-party developers to:

  • Understand BestCrypt software architecture
  • Create plug-ins for BestCrypt (Encryption Algorithms or User Authentication modules)
  • Evaluate security level of the software (absence of ‘backdoors’ or potential weaknesses in the software)
  • Enhance existing security modules

BDK includes:

  • General architecture of the system
  • Functionality of BestCrypt Container Encryption modules
  • Functionality of security modules
  • Interfaces of security modules
  • Source codes of Encryption and Key Generation modules
  • Guide to write your own extension for BestCrypt Container Encryption
  • Guide to add or remove security modules

BDK contains source codes of version 8 of BestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows.

Download BestCrypt Development Kit

Related Sources

Since 1995, Jetico has been reliably serving your data protection needs. Founded in Finland, the privacy of our users is protected by Finnish laws.

Computer America interviewed Jetico CEO, Michael Waksman, about SSD, Bruce Schneier and encryption backdoors. Listen here (Starts @ 1 hr 5 min)

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