Template is implemented in JCM Search as a combination of a regular expression associated with the template type and a set of mandatory or optional keywords.
The following types of templates are embedded in the program:
Credit Card Number
The template for searching files that contain numbers meeting at least one of the conditions:
- A sequence of digits with a length of 13 to 19 characters
- A sequence of 16 digits separated by dashes or spaces in the format 4-4-4-4
- A sequence of 15 digits separated by dashes or spaces in the format 4-6-5
Additionally, the files should contain at least one of the following keywords (optional condition): card, number, pan, primary account number, card identification, bancard, visa, mc, amex, am, account, issue number, card number, credit card, american express, credit card number, mastercard
The template for searching files that contain numbers meeting the following conditions and keywords, must satisfy both of the following criteria:
- A sequence of 3 digits
- At least one of the following keywords: cvv, cvc
Expiration Date
The template for searching files that contain numbers meeting the following conditions and keywords, must satisfy both of the following criteria:
- A sequence of 4 digits separated by slash in the format 2/2
- At least one of the following keywords: date, expires, expiration date
The template for searching files that contain numbers meeting the following conditions and keywords, must satisfy both of the following criteria:
- A sequence of 4 or 5 digits
- At least one of the following keywords: pin, code, security code, pin code
Personal name
The template for searching files that contain at least one keyword from the dictionary “Personal names”. Additionally, the files must contain at least one of the following keywords as a mandatory condition: name, cardholder
Social Security Number (SSN)
The template for searching files that contain numbers meeting the following conditions:
- A sequence of 10 digits separated by dashes in the format 3-2-4
Additionally, the files should contain at least one of the following keywords (optional condition): ssn, social security number
Passport USA/UK
The template for searching files that contain numbers meeting at least one of the conditions:
- The expression that starts with the letter 'C' followed by a sequence of 8 digits
- A sequence of 9 digitы
Additionally, the files should contain at least one of the following keywords (optional condition): passport, passport number, passport #, passportid
Bank account number
The template for searching files that contain numbers meeting the following conditions and keywords, must satisfy both of the following criteria:
- A sequence of digits with a length of 6 to 17 characters
- At least one of the following keywords: bank, bank account, bank account number, Bank Account #, Bank Acct Number, Bank Acct #, Bank Acct No., Bank Account No.
Date of Birth (DOB)
The template for searching files that contain expressions meeting at least one of the conditions:
- An expression pattern that matches dates in the format "DD MMM YYYY", such as "01 Jan 2021" or "15 Dec 1998". The expression is case insensitive and allows for single or double digits in the day field.
- A sequence of 8 digits separated by slashes, dashes or points in the format 2-2-4. (An expression pattern that matches dates in the format "MM/DD/YYYY", "MM-DD-YYYY", or "DD.MM.YYYY”)
Additionally, the files must contain at least one of the following keywords as a mandatory condition: date, dob, birth date, birthday
Phone number
The template for searching files that contain numbers meeting at least one of the conditions:
- A sequence of 10 digits
- A sequence of 11 digits that occurs at the start of a line, or is started by either a white space character or a plus sign
- An expression that matches numbers in the formats "123-456-7890", "123 456 7890", "(123) 456-7890", or "(123) 456 7890"
Additionally, the files must contain at least one of the following keywords as a mandatory condition: phone, phone number
Email Address
The template for searching files that contain expressions meeting at least one of the conditions:
- An expression pattern that matches the standard email address format (e.g., username@example.com)
Additionally, the files should contain at least one of the following keywords (optional condition): email, email address
Physical address
The template for searching files that contain expressions meeting at least one of the conditions:
- An expression pattern that matches a format related to addresses with apartments after the street (example, “2125 Herman Estates, Apt. 25, Drewmouth, KY 17219” (or 17219-1234))
- An expression pattern that matches a format related to addresses with apartments before the street or without apartments (example, “2125 Herman Estates, Drewmouth, KY 17219” or “Apt. 392 97399 Eduardo Points, East Alantown, AL 85156-6397”)
Additionally, the files must contain at least one of the following keywords as a mandatory condition: address, physical address
Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI)
The template for searching files that contain numbers meeting the following conditions:
- An expression pattern that matches expressions in the format XXXX-XXX-XXXX (or XXXXXXXXXXX), where 1, 4, 7, 10, 11 - digits; 2, 5, 8, 9 - characters.
Additionally, the files should contain at least one of the following keywords (optional condition): mbi, mbi#, medicare beneficiary #, medicare beneficiary no, medicare beneficiary#, medicare beneficiary number, medicare beneficiary identifier
IP address
The template for searching files that contain expressions meeting at least one of the conditions:
- An expression pattern that matches IPv4 addresses in the format of four numbers separated by periods.
- An expression pattern that matches various combinations of IPv6 addresses.
Additionally, the files should contain at least one of the following keywords (optional condition): ip, ipv4, ipv6, ip address
MAC address
The template for searching files that contain numbers meeting the following conditions:
- An expression pattern that matches MAC addresses in the format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX or XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX, where XX represents two hexadecimal characters
Additionally, the files should contain at least one of the following keywords (optional condition): mac, physical address, mac address
If you did not find a suitable template for your search query in the list above, you can create your own: Customization
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