Migration of JCM Server
To migrate encrypted client computers from one JCM Server to another, you do NOT need to decrypt the computers and reinstall the client software.
Scenario 1: Migration of JCM Server from one computer to another, with different IP address.
State: there is a JCM Server installed on Server1 computer, that uses MySQL1 database stored on the same computer. You need to move it to Server2, with MySQL2 installed, and all the client computers managed by the server should be re-directed to be managed by Server2.
- Set up a new JCM Server on Server2 computer. After installation is completed, do not start JCM server:
- Export MySQL database from Server1 computer to a file:
- open the command prompt as Administrator
- go to MySQL installation directory and 'bin' subfolder, for example: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin>
- run the command: 'mysqldump.exe -u root -proot --all-databases >dumpfilename.sql'
- the backup is stored in the file 'filename.sql'. Copy the file to Server2
- Import MySQL database from the file to Server2 computer:
- open the command prompt as Administrator
- go to MySQL installation directory and 'bin' subfolder, for example: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin>
- run the command: 'mysql.exe -u root -p -h localhost <dumpfilename.sql'
- Update jcm_company database on Server2:
- open MySQL console
- run the commands:
mysql> use jcm_global_database;
mysql> update jcm_company set dbIP="IP_ADDRESS_SERVER2"; - Start JCM Server
- Log in to JCM Console and click Add computer to generate a new JCM Agent Setup file. Run the file on all client computers.
Scenario 2: Restore JCM Server from backup, with the same IP address.
State: there was a JCM Server installed on Server1 computer. Now the computer is not available anymore, but there is a full backup created previously according to these instructions. The backup contains dumpfile of MySQL database and certificate files.
- Set up a new JCM Server. After installation is completed, do not start JCM service:
- Restore MySQL database from backup (saved as 'dumpfilename.sql'):
- open the command prompt as Administrator
- go to MySQL installation directory and 'bin' subfolder, for example: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin>
- run the command: 'mysql.exe -u root -p -h localhost <dumpfilename.sql'
- Copy the following items from the backup location to JCM Server program folder (replace the existing files):
- key.jks
- cacerts.jks
- cert (subfolder)
- application.properties
- backup (subfolder)
- Start JCM Server
- Log in to JCM Console and click Add computer to generate a new JCM Agent Setup file. Run the file on all client computers.
Scenario 3: Change JCM server's IP address
State: there is a JCM Server and you need to change the IP address of the computer to NEW_IP_ADDRESS.
- Stop JCM Server
- Open configuration file (application.properties), change the IP address for JCM Server and MySQL and save the file:
- server.url: NEW_IP_ADDRESS
- mysql.database.ip: NEW_IP_ADDRESS
- mysql.server.pool: NEW_IP_ADDRESS
- Update jcm_company database in MySQL:
- open MySQL console
- run the commands:
mysql> use jcm_global_database;
mysql> update jcm_company set dbIP="NEW_IP_ADDRESS"; - Delete the following items:
- key.jks
- cacerts.jks
- cert (subfolder)
and run new certificate generation procedure:
- open the command prompt as Administrator
- go to JCM Server installation directory
- run the command:
where JAVA_INSTALL_PATH is the path where Java is installed on this computer, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_171\bin\ - Start JCM Server
- Log in to JCM Console and click Add computer to generate a new JCM Agent Setup file. Run the file on all client computers.
How to re-generate digital certificate
- Stop JCM server.
- Navigate to the JCM program folder and copy the files cacert.jks, key.jks and the subfolder 'cert' to other location (just in case).
- Open Command Prompt 'as administrator', navigate to the program folder.
- Run 'cert_reissue.bat' file (it is located in program folder) with the parameters:
where JAVA_INSTALL_PATH is the path where Java is installed on this computer, for example:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_171\bin\ - Start JCM server and try to access the JCM Console.
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