Logon Script deployment method

Logon Script deployment method is available for users registered on Domain Controller server in case if your company has Windows network with Domain Controller.

When Domain User logs on to some computer, Windows verifies credentials of the user by sending request to Domain Controller. If the user enters correct password, Windows receives a command file (Logon Script) from the server and runs commands from the file on a local computer.

When Administrator chooses Logon Script deployment method for domain user, Jetico Central Manager adds several commands to the Logon Script file created for the user. Typical contents of the strings look like:

REM - smip.exe command below is added by Jetico Central Manager
IF NOT EXIST %SystemRoot%\smip.exe START /MIN \\[server]\BCInstal\smip.exe -RSERVER_NAME -P[port]

When the user logs on to computer, SMIP.EXE program starts. The program installs Jetico Installation Agent on the computer if it is not installed earlier. The Installation Agent is responsible for deployment and update of Jetico client software on the computer.

If Administrator changes Logon Script deployment method or removes deployment method for the user, Jetico Central Manager will remove command lines it created from the Logon Script file of the user. When Jetico Installation Agent runs next time, it will check deployment settings for the user stored in Jetico Central Manager Database. If the deployment settings for the user require uninstallation of Jetico client software, the Jetico Installation Agent will uninstall it.

See also: