By default, BCWipe Total WipeOut Enterprise Server edition uses embedded H2 Java database. This might suffice for smaller offices or for evaluation purposes. 

However, for intensive operations and higher reliability, a separate database server is recommended. The following databases are currently supported:

    •          MySQL 5.0 or newer.
    •          PostgreSQL 9.0 or newer.

The information about the database that's currently being used by BCWipe Total WipeOut is stored in the file located in the installation folder.

NOTE:  It is strongly recommended that you back up the configuration file prior to making any changes.

NOTE: When switching to another database engine, the contents of the current database (i.e., devices, users, wiping policies, wiping history) are lost.

To configure the BCWipe Total WipeOut to work with MySQL or PostgreSQL database, perform the following steps:

1. Use BCWipe Total WipeOut Service Monitor to Stop the server

2. Open the configuration file with a file editor program and find the ‘Database settings’ part:

Database Settings

# H2 Embedded database
spring.datasource.url: jdbc:h2:./database
spring.datasource.driver-class-name: org.h2.Driver
liquibase.change-log: classpath:/db/db.changelog-h2-master.xml
# MySQL database
#liquibase.change-log: classpath:/db/db.changelog-mysql-master.xml
# PostgreSQL database

3. To change database, comment the old database strings with the # mark, and uncomment the new database strings. For example, if you want to use MySQL, the file should look like:

Database Settings

# H2 Embedded database
#spring.datasource.url: jdbc:h2:./database
#spring.datasource.driver-class-name: org.h2.Driver
#liquibase.change-log: classpath:/db/db.changelog-h2-master.xml
# MySQL database
liquibase.change-log: classpath:/db/db.changelog-mysql-master.xml
# PostgreSQL database

4. In the example shown above, the root/root is the username and password for the main MySQL user account. It should have the full privileges. 

5. In the example shown above, the string “spring.datasource.url” includes the database name “bcwipetwo”. It is the database dedicated for BCWipe Total WipeOut, it should be created in MySQL in advance.

6. Save the configuration file

7. Use BCWipe Total WipeOut Service Monitor to Start the server.