Before you uninstall BCWipe Privacy Guard, please share your feedback with us! Let us know about your experience with the product and why you decided to uninstall.
Uninstallation Steps
To remove BCWipe Privacy Guard from your system, open Control Panel → Programs → Uninstall a program.
Select BCWipe Privacy Guard from the list and click Uninstall :
When BCWipe Privacy Guard is uninstalled, the privacy configuration on your PC is reverted to its original state, all changes made with BCWipe Privacy Guard are undone. To keep the high privacy level set up with Privacy Guard, remove the check from 🗹 Restore my original privacy settings.
Click Start to initiate the uninstallation with selected parameters.
Wait for the process to finish, then click Close .
A restart is required to completely remove all components of BCWipe Privacy Guard from your system. You will be prompted to restart your PC after the uninstallation process finishes. You can choose to restart immediately bu clicking Restart now . Otherwise, the remaining modules will be removed when your computer restarts next time.