Delete With Wiping task

BCWipe Task Manager can set automatic wiping of selected files or folders by creating a new Delete with wiping task. To create a new task, run the Create new task command from the Tasks   menu in BCWipe Task Manager. The following picture illustrates the dialog window that appears when you run the command and select the Delete with wiping task.

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To add a file or folder to the list to be wiped automatically, click Add . BCWipe allows wiping the whole directory or assigning a pattern of file names that must be wiped.
To remove an item from the list, click Remove. Additional information about any file or folder from the list will be shown when you click Properties.

To set a schedule for running the Delete With Wiping task, select the Schedule tab.

To set wiping options for the process, select the Wipe options tab.

To assign a log file for the process, select the Log File tab.

See also: