BestCrypt Volume Encryption allows the user to enable an option for automatic dismounting data (non system/boot) volumes at some events. To enable the option, run the Options->Automatic Dismount Data Volumes command. The following window will appear:

Automatic Dismount Options

Check the option that fits your needs better and click OK. If you check the option Force dismounting even if there are open files, please note that some data written to the open files may be lost.

NOTE: There is the command line parameter '-SetDOS' that sets 'Dismount on suspend' option for a specified volume. A volume will be dismounted at system suspend (Sleep or Hibernate), if it is set by the command line, OR if the first checkbox is marked in Automatic Dismount Data Volumes window.

See also:

Encrypting and Decrypting Volumes

Mounting and Dismounting Volumes