To install BestCrypt for Linux:


Use one-click installer (all distributions). This command will download the installation script

which will do all the work for you. Depending on which file download program do you have in your

system use one of the following commands:


wget -O - | sh -




curl | sh -



General Information



BestCrypt for Linux comes as binary packages for major Linux distributions.


BestCrypt consists of three parts:


* Console utility (package name: bestcrypt)

* kernel modules (package name: bestcrypt-dkms)

* BestCrypt Control Panel - graphical interface written on Qt5

(package name: bestcrypt-panel)


BestCrypt Control Panel is dependent and optional package. It means, that,

for being able to install and use it, you need to install the console utility



For being able to use BestCrypt Control Panel (GUI), you need to have

X Server installed. BestCrypt is officially supported in Gnome, Unity, KDE

and Xfce, but should work, possibly with some limitations, in other desktops.


Once you have installed the program you should be able to locate BestCrypt Control Panel

in the Applications->Accessories menu of your desktop environment.

If, by some reason, you can't find it just execute `bestcrypt-panel`

command in a terminal session.



Manual installation (distribution-specific)


Ubuntu & Ubuntu-based (64-bit only)



$ sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver --recv-keys 9720F6864823E840

$ sudo apt-add-repository "deb `lsb_release -cs` non-free"

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install bestcrypt bestcrypt-panel






$ su -

# apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver --recv-keys 9720F6864823E840


# editor /etc/apt/sources.list


Add the following line to the end of file:


deb jessie non-free


Warning: instead 'jessie' put your distribution codename here before you procede.

You may know it by `lsb_release -c` output.


# apt-get update

# apt-get install bestcrypt bestcrypt-panel



RedHat, CentOS, Oracle Linux



Please note that we need 'dkms' package from EPEL repository.


# yum install epel-release

# yum update kernel

# yum install gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms

# reboot


# wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/bestcrypt.repo

# yum install bestcrypt bestcrypt-panel



Fedora (64-bit only)



# dnf update kernel

# dnf install gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms

# reboot


# wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/bestcrypt.repo

# dnf install bestcrypt bestcrypt-panel




How to uninstall



Once installed by RPM or Deb packages it may be remove like any other software:



# apt-get remove bestcrypt bestcrypt-dkms bestcrypt-panel



# yum remove bestcrypt bestcrypt-dkms bestcrypt-panel